"A storyline that we don't have a handle on yet, because he's a man of few words, is how Craig Berube is going to change things. What is it gonna mean to have Craig Berube as your head coach? Because let's face it here; when you look at what the Maple Leafs have done, it hasn't been the kind of makeover that a lot of people expected - and I think a lot of people, including myself, think the Maple Leafs need - but without that makeover, you're putting a lot on the coach to change things.
If you can't change the players, you gotta change the tone, you gotta change the mentality, you gotta change the way this team plays hockey in it's biggest moments and that's a lot on Craig Berube to do it in a very short amount of time here. The 6 months of a regular season is not a long time and we hear a lot of teams saying "oh we need a lot more time to gel together with a new coach and a new system" and nobody wants to hear that in Leaf-land, people wanna see it work fast, people wanna see results in the here and now, people wanna see change. I'm not sure you're gonna get it but it's on Craig Berube to deliver it."