The heartbreaking deaths of Johnny and Matthew Gaudreau last Thursday has still not sunk in for many people.
While cycling last Thursday, the Gaudreau brothers were fatally struck by a driver under the influence, just a day before they were set to be groomsmen at their sister Katie's wedding.
As the tributes pour in from around the world, John Tavares, a current member of the Toronto Maple Leafs and former captain took the time to post a small tribute to the Gaudreau brothers, and was clearly shaken up from the incident.
It's short but poignant. It's obvious that Tavares and his family were deeply affected by this tragedy as so many were. Two lives cut short by the actions of a careless and selfish individual, and with Tavares also having a young family, the thought of him being taken away from them must weigh heavy on his mind, even subconsciously.
Tavares' statement is just one of the hundreds of posts, comments, stories and anecdotes that people have shared about the Gaudreau brothers; they were unabashedly loved and they were true lights in their communities. It's tragic they were taken away too soon, though the impact they left in their time here is undeniable.