If the Leafs want to keep Max Domi, here's how much it may cost them

Fred Maltes
May 12, 2024  (3:15 PM)

Max Domi
Photo credit: Theathletic.com

Toronto Maple Leafs' forward Max Domi has expressed a desire to stay with the team, and recent insights hint at the potential terms of his upcoming contract.

Having completed a robust season, Domi tallied 47 points across 80 games and added another 4 in 7 playoff appearances. While his scoring is commendable, Domi's real value lies in the unique elements he brings to the game.

Domi's Multi-faceted Role

Not just a point scorer, Domi embodies the quintessential playoff competitor. He is known for his physicality—delivering hits, engaging in skirmishes post-whistle, and venturing into the rougher patches of the ice.
His ability to distribute the puck and secure faceoff wins further enhances his utility on the ice.
During the latter half of the regular season, Domi was a consistent presence on the top line alongside Auston Matthews. The synergy between Domi, Matthews, and Bertuzzi catapulted this trio to the forefront, marking them as the Leafs' most effective line throughout the season.
Domi's connection to the Leafs extends beyond his own performances. His father, Tie Domi, is a revered figure among Leafs fans, celebrated for his fierce competitive spirit and formidable fighting skills. Max Domi, while not as dominant in physical altercations as his father, still finished the season 6th in the NHL for penalty minutes, accumulating 118.

Contractual Considerations for Domi

Securing Domi's ongoing contribution will be crucial for the Leafs, albeit challenging. Both parties have shown mutual interest in continuing their association, which bodes well for future negotiations. A proposed contract, as per Evolving Hockey's projections, suggests a reasonable annual value (AVV) of $4.617M for three years. This figure positions Domi as an economically viable asset, particularly when complementing a star like Matthews.
Given Domi's performance, keeping his cap hit under the $5M mark appears achievable. Such a strategy would be financially prudent for the Leafs, especially if they need to offload a significant contract.
The Toronto fanbase, familiar with both the legacy of the Domi family and Max's contributions, might view this contract as an opportunity to maintain a strong core player without overextending financially.
As discussions around Domi's future intensify, the Leafs' decision-making will be closely scrutinized, particularly in how it aligns with both fiscal responsibility and team dynamics.
As the Leafs weigh their options, the question remains: Is securing Domi for over $4.6M a season a risk worth taking? Fans are invited to share their thoughts and vote in our ongoing poll below.
MAY 12   |   279 ANSWERS
If the Leafs want to keep Max Domi, here's how much it may cost them

Would you keep Max Domi around at a cap hit above $4.6M?

Yes20473.1 %
No7526.9 %
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