Dmitry Kulikov delivers must-see dirty dangerous hit in Game 2

Fred Maltes
May 25, 2024  (11:40)

Kulikov levels Wennberg
Photo credit: NHL

In a pivotal moment of Game 2 between the New York Rangers and the Florida Panthers, Dmitry Kulikov delivered a brutal heat shot on Alex Wennberg.

The incident occurred midway through the first period at the Rangers' blueline. Wennberg, focused on receiving a pass, was blindsided by Kulikov, leading to immediate on-ice penalties and sparking widespread debate among fans and analysts.
Wennberg was attempting to control a risky pass when Kulikov, stepping up, targeted him. The contact was brief—the puck was only on Wennberg's stick for a moment before the hit. Initially, referees assigned Kulikov a major penalty for interference. However, following a video review, the decision was downgraded to a minor penalty. This adjustment has been a focal point of discussion, particularly concerning the nature of the contact and the enforcement of NHL rules against dangerous plays.
The primary point of contention lies in the nature of the hit. Kulikov's impact was directly to Wennberg's head, considered a blindside hit. The NHL has actively sought to eliminate such dangerous plays for over a decade. Nonetheless, the circumstances of the play provide a complex backdrop. Wennberg, in reaching down for the puck, inadvertently lowered his head into the primary point of contact, complicating assessments of fault and intent.
Despite not leaving his feet or using his elbows aggressively at the point of contact, the reduction of Kulikov's penalty raises questions about the consistency of game officiating. Observers argue that although Wennberg placed himself in a vulnerable position, player safety protocols should prioritize preventing head injuries, regardless of situational nuances.
Kulikov's lack of supplemental discipline from the league, as indicated by the penalty reduction, has added to the controversy. Meanwhile, Wennberg's ability to return to the game, contributing nearly 19 minutes of playtime, and the Rangers' subsequent overtime victory, add layers to the ongoing debate about player safety and game regulation.
As the NHL continues to navigate the fine line between aggressive play and player safety, this incident will likely resonate as a reference point in discussions about the evolution of hockey rules and the enforcement of penalties aimed at reducing game-time injuries.
MAY 25   |   52 ANSWERS
Dmitry Kulikov delivers must-see dirty dangerous hit in Game 2

What do you think—was Kulikov's hit on Wennberg clean or dirty?

Dirty3057.7 %
Clean1121.2 %
Don't care1121.2 %
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